Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Simple Machines @Home (BLOG #4)

So for another project we had we had to take pictures with simple machines at home. (Lever, Inclined Plane, Pulley, ect..) It was pretty much extended from our class taking pictures at school!

The object that me and my friend are sitting on is stairs. Stairs are placed as an inclined plane and a wedge for a simple machine. Stairs make life easier because how else are you supposed to get to the second story of a house or a building.

The second object that I'm pointing to, is a screw. A screw, as simpe as it is, is a screw. Hahahaha, anyway, it makes life easier because it holds things in place for us, or lke a cork screw takes things out for us.

In one of the pictures I am holding a flat iron. (straightner)It's classified as a lever. The flat iron makes life easier because if I have curly hair one day and I want it straight i can straighten it.

On my other picture I am smiling next to a door knob. A door knob is a wheel and axle. A wheel and exle makes like easier because we car drive a car, and open doors!

On my last picture I am with a clock. The clock has a simple machine, gears. It makes life easier because it helps move the hands on the clock to tell time. That concludes the rest of my pictures!

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Simple Machines Extended!

This is a picture of the three simple machines we learned about on a video we watched in school. I used the pulley, lever, and wheel and axle. We had to descibe them by putting the load, effort, and fulcrum around them and point to them with arrows! It was a fun activity!

Friday, November 18, 2011

Simple Machines

The object is a door handle. The handle helps open the door up for people. It is a lever because it pushes up and down to open up the door.

My next object is a fire alarm. A fire alarm is a lever. The handle on the fire alarm pulls down and moves up to turn it on. To turn it off is a different story.

A thumb tack is a screw. The thumb tack keeps the papers or whatever you trying to My next object is a fire alarm. A fire alarm is a lever.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

This is me..

I am honestly a lazy person! I sleep all day but I enjoy to sleep. I have a niece, L, and two more coming in February! I'm currently in the eighth grade. I enjoy to play softball even though I havent been playing for the past two years though. I have a dog Ramsey that is my FAVORITE dog. Then again, I LOVE my sisters dog Sakari. ( He's a husky so his name has to be unique like him!) My mom is my favorite person. She literally makes me delirious at the worst times. My sister is in sports that include, softball, basketball, and soccer. She's hurt or sick at a constant! My other sister lives in Cincinatti and is the one with a baby, L, and has twins coming. She's my favorite. When I graduate from high school I plan to go into law. On which part of law I want to go into, I'm still not sure. IF that doesn't work, then politics. I always laugh and am a very bubbly person! To be honest, I don't have common sense! ( Atleast I'm honest, right?) I text people all the time! I have sleek hair.. that I hate! I love to smile and talk! (: Peace signs are sorta my things. Along with inspirational quotes haha.

* picture address;